Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dear Diary,

Well, so much for a relapse. My incredible luck continues to hold out.

My Friday, March 4 appointment with my oncologist went very well. Once again, blood test readings were excellent. My physician seemed little concerned with the discomfort in my ribs that I've been experiencing over the past two weeks or so. Just to be sure, he sent me next door for a battery of x-rays. No report at all from there. I must conclude that no news is good news. I guess my pains are not cancer-related.

I can breathe a sigh of relief.

From where did the pains originate? It's anyone's guess. Perhaps it's "old age." Maybe I got a bit too frisky trying to scrape snow (I can't really shovel) from our walkways (the Albany area has measured 85 inches of the white stuff so far this season compared to the average 48 inches we normally "enjoy" by this time). It's possible I "slept" wrong somehow. There are a hundred different answers, and we will probably never know. But for now I can rest assured.

During this time, I experienced a series of amazing coincidences. Over two consecutive days, two separate people mentioned to me how they were impressed and inspired by Lance Armstrong's 2000 book "It's Not About the Bike" (thanks Sandy and Carolyn!). That alone is striking. On the third consecutive day I was, along with my bride, browsing the free-for-the-taking book shelves of a local coffee house. You guessed it. There was Armstrong's book. I realized that somebody upstairs was trying to tell me something. The tome now rests next to my easy chair, at the top of my "to-read" stack. What's more, ironically, my wife also purchased a new tea kettle the other day, only to learn when she read the label upon its arrival at home that the proceeds benefit Lance Armstrong's "Live Strong" organization. There must be something to these coincidences!

I continue to be impressed with the efforts of the the Dragonfly Adventure team to sponsor a half-marathon and walk for cancer, the "Make It A Great Day" Race, near Troy, NY on Sunday, June 5, 2011 (thanks for your words of encouragement Heidi!). Contributions continue to pour in for this extremely worthy charity event, including a promised one all the way from Texas! There is even buzz at my oncologist's office about it. I wish to thank the New York Mets for their contribution of four "raffle-able" tickets. Perhaps it's their way of celebrating my fiftieth anniversary of fandom. It has struck me that maybe other professional teams in New York and Massachusetts not scorched by the Madoff ripoff could also kick in. All of them have tons of fans in the Capital District, and, it seems, plenty of cash.

I am also impressed by the efforts of my cousin Susan Wyckoff Mehrwein and her husband James, who are working (and walking) in Oregon with the Team in Training for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society in the battle against cancer. The dramatic photo below of the two of them crossing the finish line is symbolic of my own feelings in this ongoing struggle. Check out their organization's website!

To all our relatives and friends who have expressed concern or experienced consternation over my latest mini-episode, I thank you. The heart is warmed even in this coldest of winters.

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