Thursday, July 22, 2010

Setback Update

Good news: Dr. Willen called this afternoon with the results of the MRI that checked out Ed's lesion in his skull. The MRI did not show any problem or issue. Better news: Ed's latest blood work this morning showed no sign of Multiple Myeloma! The treatment must be working! Still no explanation about his swollen throat. His throat is less swollen tonight, and the Benadryl definitely worked. Fingers crossed that he stays healthy enough to go through the stem cell transplant in August. Early to bed - this ordeal really wiped him out. Ignore the Craig's List entry for two friendly black cats that need a good home....


  1. Good news on the blood and throat. Must be allergies. They come and go and with Ed's advancing AGE anything can happen. He he. Could be something in the air, that he ate, or just his body's way of saying "time for a new curve ball in the game". I have something for Ed. I hope to see one of you soon.

  2. Glad he's doing better! I like to think small setbacks are just God's/"the Universe's" way of building our tolerance for potentially bigger setbacks. 'Course, that's because humans have great capacity for rationalization, but if it leads to some optimism, well then, why not? ;-)
