Here's a picture of Edward looking like a Badass Biker Dude. A skull and crossbones tattoo would definitely add to his new look. The nurses said it would take about 3 months for his hair to grow back properly, but I secretly think he likes sporting this new look.
Anybody need an IV pole - Free?? The medical profession needs to "Go Green." Ed only used an IV pole 5 times at home when the visiting nurse administered his IV antibiotics. Nurse Donna from the stem cell program recommended we use the shiny silver pole for a bird feeder holder, or a pole for climbing vines. Additionally, we had to collect Ed's medical waste consisting of discarded IV bags, tubes, and bandages, and bring them back to Albany medical center for proper disposal. I do really feel qualified to become a nurse now. Our normal dinner table conversation now turns to medical jargon and blood levels.
Nurse Cratchett also had to make another important appearance. I spent 2 hours on the phone arguing and ranting to CDPHP, New York Oncology and Hematology, and Capital Imaging about Ed's medical bills. One recent $2,800.00 MRI bill was denied because CDPHP claimed that the MRI was needed because of a car accident that occurred in 2007. They said the bill needed to go to "No Fault" claim. Even though the MRI was ordered years later by on Oncologist for Ed's Multiple Myeloma diagnosis! After arguing for hours with every agency involved, I had to request a letter faxed from Amica Insurance to CDPHP saying that Ed's car accident case was closed.(A car rear ended Ed in 2007 and he only needed one MRI) CDPHP said that the only way that this situation could be rectified was by acquiring this letter. All the parties I "talked" to stated they thought it was also ridiculous! These organizations now know me by my first name.
Ed's $89,000.00 Stem Cell transplant was also denied (even though it was originally approved) because CDPHP had totally wrong information. Years ago Tamarac School made married couples get on a family plan so they could save $400.00 dollars a year. This only lasted a few years, and Ed and I are now on individual insurance plans. Of course CDPHP still has Ed listed under my plan, and of course they denied it. After numerous phone calls it seems to be rectified. They may know me by name, but I think they have their own "words of endearment" for me when I call!
Ed is feeling better every day, and his major issues continue to be his sore feet from the neuropathy, occasional insomnia, and feeling tired. We have had some wonderful tips from Linda M. and Joanne C. to help with the sore feet, and we are going to meet with Dr, Shapiro next week to check on these effective treatments. I am pleased that the Dr. now has Ed on a vast array of natural supplements to help with the neuropathy. They want Ed on as few medications as possible to keep his kidneys functioning well. Ed is very prone to Shingles after the transplant, so he is on "Acyclovir" twice a day for an entire year. He has to avoid the grandchildren for two weeks after they receive an inoculation that contains a live virus. He will have to have a full array of all his childhood inoculations in 12 months, 14 months, and 24 months.
We are finally heading to Indian Lake for a mini-family reunion to celebrate my brother Scott's birthday. We were going to take the Harley, but the weather isn't cooperating.