Thursday, August 12, 2010

11:42 Thursday Morning

They finally wheeled Ed up to surgery about 10:45. They were delayed due to complications from the previous surgery. Comforting!! My friend Linda called my blackberry to tell me where the Dunkin Dunuts was located in the hospital. She must have been reading my mind. They give you a pager to let you know when your loved one returns back to recovery. I am fully technically hooked up here with my laptop, blackberry, and cable TV.

They just brought Ed back at 11:45 and he is doing great! When he got up to surgery the nurse told him she had heard the rumor that Ed was the the first normal patient today! Guess they had some real ringers in here this morning. The nurse had put the ultrasound monitor on Ed's lower neck and said he was having twins. The docs and nurses around here are from Comedy Central! The first thing Ed said when they wheeled him back was "Did you order my steak and Guinness?" He said he was awake for the entire procedure. No pain, great blood pressure, and feeling good. He claims it was a surprisingly easy procedure. They gave us an Anniversary meal of sandwiches, coffee, graham crackers, and an orange. The staff here has been excellent, and we are glad the 1st hurdle is completed. Ed will Blog when he is rested at home. Ed's daughter Therese just called and said while she was at a traffic light in Clifton Park and she saw someone drive a car into the building at Friendlys. You heard it here first!

1 comment:

  1. Glad everything went smoothly! That being said, I have dibs on one of the twins.
